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Medical examination

Examination + diagnosis + treatment plan 150 lei

Dental treatments

Sealing grooves and pits / tooth 100 lei
Filling of composite cavity class I 150 lei
Filling of composite cavity class II 200 lei
Filling of composite cavity class III 150 lei
Filling of composite cavity class IV 150 lei
Filling of composite cavity class V 200 lei
Vestibular facet composite restoration 200 lei
Reconstruction of atypical cavities 250 lei

Dental surgery

Temporary tooth extraction 50 lei
Extraction of monoradicular teeth 200 lei
Extraction of multi-root teeth 300 lei
Extraction of wisdom teeth 350 lei
Extraction with alveolotomy 350 lei
Abscess incision and drainage 50 lei
Premolarization 100 lei
Stripping 100 lei
Gingivectomy 200 lei
Alveolar ridge regularization / dial 300 lei
Dental implant 2000 lei
Bone addition works 1000 lei
Bone addition material, starting with 1000 lei
Sinuslift 2000 lei
Split 1800 lei
Blood collection for PRF membranes / tube 150 lei
Application of collacone / piece 200 lei
Apical resection / tooth 300 lei
Implant discovery 200 lei
Ridge regularization 300 lei
Stitched yarn 50 lei


Pulpectomy + Instrumentation + Definitive obturation Mono 200 lei
Pluri 350 lei
Opening / channel 50 lei
Endo / channel drug application 100 lei
Dressing calming 50 lei
Transdentary drainage 50 lei
Removal of foreign objects from the channel 250 lei
MTA Application 200 lei

Protetică dentară

Inlay, Onlay ceramic 1000 lei
Ceramic facets (Veneers) 1500 lei
Reconstruction with glass fiber pivot 250 lei
Corono-root device cast 250 lei
Full ceramic crown (pressed) 1500 lei
Ceramic crown on zirconium oxide 1500 lei
Metallic-ceramic crown 700 lei
Metal-acrylic crown 250 lei
Metal crown 150 lei
Ceramic crown on AuPt (+ AuPt costs) 1200 lei
Provisional crown 150 lei
Bruxism gutters 200 lei
Wax-up and Mock-up 200 lei
Disassembly / acrylic crown 30 lei
Disassembly / metal crown 100 lei
Total prosthesis / arch 900 lei
Partial prosthesis / arch 900 lei
Skeleton prosthesis 3000 lei
Prosthetic resale 250 lei
Prosthetic repair 200 lei
Telescope replacement 200 lei
Bont prosthetic implant 300 lei
Bont prosthetic implant / zirconium 500 lei
Osteisynthesis screw 100 lei
Dental impression / arch 100 lei
Crown cementation / element 30 lei


Gingival drug application 30 lei
Drainage, periodontal abscess 50 lei
Gingival curl / tooth 50 lei


Ultrasound scaling 200 lei
Air-flow 100 lei
Fluorisation 200 lei
Professional sanitation 300 lei

Dental cosmetics

Professional bleaching 1000 lei
Endodontic whitening / tooth 150 lei
Dental jewelry 200 lei